

For students to be successful in school, they need to be in school. Missing just two days a month places students at significant increased risk of academic failure, social and behavioral difficulties in school, dropping out, and a host of other negative school and life effects. Absenteeism and truancy training provided through Safe & Civil Schools helps schools and districts:

  • Increase student, family, and staff ability and motivation to get students to school each day and on time.
  • Analyze multiple attendance measures to identify concerns and prioritize resources.
  • Implement simple, practical strategies to create a positive environment where expectations for attendance are taught and acknowledged at a universal/schoolwide level.
  • Provide effective intervention in a multi-tiered model, utilizing function-based approaches.
  • Implement research-based interventions for individual students, small groups, and classes, as needed.

Safe & Civil Schools tailors training to meet the specific needs of your school or district. Some possible training options include:

  • Universal prevention—when large numbers of students in your school are missing two or more days each month (10% or more of school), work to reduce the numbers of students who are at risk by focusing on Tier 1 prevention strategies.
  • Function-based assessment and intervention for students who have not responded to universal prevention procedures. This training focuses on identification and intervention with Tier 2 and 3 supports.
  • Combined training across multiple days in universal prevention and function-based intervention.

Contact Us Today for More Information

Call 1-800-323-8819 to create a plan that addresses your current needs or use our CONTACT US form below.

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